Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Schutz Family

Uncle Xavar, My last living uncle (sigh) is having his 80th birthday celebration November 22. My cousins on my My Mothers side are German and live in Bavaria. I had entertained the fantasy of visiting him but time has run out. Still no passport or money or nerve. I never did learn to speak Deutsch. Such a coward I am. At least I will get a card and pictures out.


Caldwell Anniversary

I hope the word is getting out about the events dealing with the 1807 South Carolina College graduation of John Calhoun Caldwell, not to be confused with John Caldwell Calhoun, a first cousin 5x removed. for the events I have posted the invitation at www.pittsclan.com
I have mailed brochures to a cousin to get the word out.

Henry Pitts