Thursday, December 27, 2007

Pitts Family Christmas Party

Well we had the Pitts Family Christmas Party early. Standing: Me holding Chipper, My son Daniel, Brother Bill and Pat, Cera my niece, My sister Betty, Andrew, Chris and wife with new baby, My son Jon with his fiance

Seated is Jeannie my wife and Brother-in-law Wade.

Monday, December 10, 2007

John Caldwell, USC Graduate 1807

I, my wife and son, Daniel attended the Newberry festivities at the Historic Newberry Opera House. The reception was held in the old firehouse, converted to a reception meeting hall adjoining the Opera House. At the Opera House was a Theatrical performance of the 5 graduates performed by students in period costume with music. All in All it was a wonderful evening.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Schutz Family

Uncle Xavar, My last living uncle (sigh) is having his 80th birthday celebration November 22. My cousins on my My Mothers side are German and live in Bavaria. I had entertained the fantasy of visiting him but time has run out. Still no passport or money or nerve. I never did learn to speak Deutsch. Such a coward I am. At least I will get a card and pictures out.


Caldwell Anniversary

I hope the word is getting out about the events dealing with the 1807 South Carolina College graduation of John Calhoun Caldwell, not to be confused with John Caldwell Calhoun, a first cousin 5x removed. for the events I have posted the invitation at
I have mailed brochures to a cousin to get the word out.

Henry Pitts

Friday, October 26, 2007

DNA Testing

The results are in. I am a human. To be more specific
I am related to the Pitts group 2.This pretty much verifies
that I am related to Isle of Wight County, Virginia Pitts line.
There is one mutation in the gene but that is usually
to be expected. More later on what this might mean.


Friday, October 19, 2007

My Fathers Name

Things have been slow. Haven't got DNA results yet so here's one of my old success stories:

My Father was named Claude Mills Pitts.
A bit of trivia, Mom had told me that Dad was named after the Doctor that delivered him. With a bit of research I found Dr. Claude Benjamin Mills. Dr Claude Mills was married to Ethel Lee Chandler who was a 2nd Cousin to Molly Caldwell. The common Gr-Gr-etc Grandparents would be
Weitt Chandler (1786-1847) and Sarah Bailey (1795-?) .

Friday, October 12, 2007


Many blog sites are there to cause popups of ads and pornography. I will be looking for an alternative if Google and Blogger do not stop allowing this practice.

Scrolling up and down on my posts should be ok. Just don't look for someone else's blog.

If any problems please let me know at


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Legal Documents

I'm in the process of adding legal documents that I've scanned in from the Laurens County Court house and Laurens County Library. transcripts will be published, Scans available on request. There also will be transcripts of documents from other sources. I will note the source.

Henry Pitts

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Grandson of Rev. J.A. Cooper and Louisa Jane Pitts

Excert from Michael Bryant

Just wanted to let you know that (most likely next spring) The Grand Lodge of South Carolina, Ancient Free Masons, is planning to have a grave marker dedication for Robert Archer Cooper, Past Grand Master of Masons of SC (1917 - 1918?). He is buried in the Laurens City Cemetery. As I'm sure that you know, R.A. Cooper was the grandson of Rev. J.A. Cooper & Louisa Jane Pitts. When I know more information, I'll let you know.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

John Caldwell, USC graduate 1807

John Caldwell was 0ne of the first five alumni from what was then South Carolina College. The University of South Carolina are planning to celebrate the 200th year of USC commencements.
The five students all came from Newberry county. The events are planned for the month of December and they are looking for descendants.
Please contact James Hammond at (803)771-8474 or Ben Boatwright Ben is the person who contacted me and is known in the genealogist community.
The other 4 graduates were Anderson Crenshaw, Walter Crenshaw, George W. Glen and John W. Harper


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Claude Pitts, Father

While entering pictures on my web site of dad stationed at the Panama Canal Zone, I remembered a story he told me when he first enlisted before WW2. The recuitment officer gave him a choice of 2 assignments. One was to be stationed at the Panama Canal, the other was at the Philippine Islands. He said it didn't make a difference to him so a flip of the coin picked the Canal Zone. He could have been a part of the Death March when Japan invaded and I wouldn't be here today.


Friday, September 28, 2007

DNA testing

While googling around for something completely different I came across this site.
I got completely intriqued and saw results of the various Pitts clans. I joined and submitted for a 37 marker test, about $180. I should match up to the Pitts group 2. If I don't then this will be a short forum. Results in about 4 weeks.
